Figure Above – Map of Africa
Global Partners in Hope recently traveled to Lomé, Togo, Africa as planning continues for construction to begin on a hospital in the city this coming June. GPiH also hosted a leadership and innovation summit to help people learn to overcome obstacles and plan for success. Anna Vickers was a member of that group and took the time to give us some insight into the trip and the service that she was involved in.

Picture Above – Anna at an Orphanage in Togo
How was traveling?
Overall it was super easy and fun.
What did you think of Togo when you arrived?
I didn’t know what to expect before going to Togo. Lomé, Togo was more city like than what I expected.
What type of events did you participate in?
On the first day we went to an orphanage in the city to teach children the importance of looking both ways when crossing the street. We went to a second orphanage in the countryside where we delivered food and supplies.
The Leadership and Innovation Summit was a big part of the trip. I was able to use my skills in communications and assisted the presenters with the logistics of the presentation graphics. Three leadership professionals spoke to many individuals.
We also visited the future site of the hospital that GPiH is planning. We saw the progress on the road that is being built.
Why should others become involved?
We are blessed to have the opportunities that we do. The fact that we were born in different locations doesn’t change the needs of human beings. Women in America have choices to give birth with or without medication, in a hospital or not. But women in Togo do not have that choice. Women carry their babies on their back with a bucket on their head and bags of rice in their hands but do not have options on how their child is born.
The reality is that I fell in love with Togo and I think that once people become aware, they will want to become involved. Donating money seems daunting but I realize now that I can budget in a way that allows me to help others that really need assistance.

“Fell in love with Togo” – Anna Vickers
Describe your trip in one sentence - One I will never forget.
“One that I will never forget and very eye opening.”
Anna Vickers is graduating in May 2019 from Crown College in Sant Bonifacius Minnesota with a degree in relational communications and a minor in business administration. We wish Anna well in her future and thank her for her service in Togo, Africa with GPiH. If you would like to learn more on how you may become part of future service trips or to donate contact Brenna, at brenna@globalpartnersinhope.com.