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  • Writer's pictureSamantha McCandless

Story of Hope: Ruth’s Medical Journey

Updated: May 14

Global Partners in Hope exists to provide hope to those who need it most. We do so specifically through clean water, medical care, renewable energy, and leadership development. The stories we hear from those directly impacted by our work inspires us everyday to continue to provide help and hope. Recently, our team in Togo shared the story of Ruth's medical journey, who will receive the medical care she desperately needs thanks to their help!

Ruth’s Previous Medical Care

Last July in Togo, a beautiful little girl named Ruth was born. She is perfect in every way, except for one minor problem. Ruth was born without any outside opening for her digestive system, which is known in the medical field as an imperforate anus. After birth, she immediately went into surgery for a “stoma”. A stoma is an opening for digestion to prevent a life threatening blockage. This stoma now allows stool to properly exit her digestive tract through an opening in her abdomen. However, this surgery was costly and exhausted what little funds her family and extended network had available.

The stoma is working properly, but it is not a long term fix for Ruth. She needs another surgery to create a normal digestive opening, not one that releases from her abdomen soon.

How Ruth’s Family Met GPiH

Ruth’s father visited Compassion, our NGO partner in Togo, after hearing that Compassion strives to help children in need. He met with Kouami, Compassion’s staff member who is key in the planning of the GPiH medical center. Kouami knew that it was up to GPiH and the MacLeans to help cover the costs for Ruth’s surgery she desperately needs!

Ruth’s Journey Continues with GPiH

Ruth's family photo

Now 6 months old, Ruth is doing well with her stoma working properly, but her family is preparing for her next surgery. Her next surgery is scheduled for early February. GPiH has offered to pay for the surgery that costs around $400, but in Togo, this a large sum for her family and extended family to raise. This surgery will create an anus  for Ruth to have a normal digestive tract.

Since the GPiH medical center is not built yet, the surgery will be provided by a Baptist Mission hospital. This hospital has partnered with the MacLeans previously since our health center is under construction. Meanwhile, the GPiH team will provide the funds for Ruth to receive this surgery there. This hospital is a key partner for our GPiH medical team and our future medical center. We are excited and grateful that they will provide the surgery that Ruth desperately needs!

Stay Tuned for More

Since Ruth’s surgery is not till February, the GPiH team will continue to follow her story and keep you updated on her medical journey recovery.

Stay up to date with Ruth’s medical journey by liking us on Facebook.

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