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Reflections from GPiH trip to Togo West Africa

Updated: May 14, 2024

In the month of March, GPiH organized a Vision Trip to Togo with 12 travelers that furthered our efforts to bring hope and change for women and children struggling to survive in West Africa. Below are short reflections from a few of the travelers on the trip:

The GPiH team meets with healthcare professionals in the the University of Lomé in Togo.
The GPiH team meets with the Dean and professors at the the University of Lomé Medical School in Togo

Dr. Jennifer Jessen, (pictured to the right in the blue) Executive Director for the Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research (CIPER) at Creighton University shared:

"I think what surprised me most about my visit to Togo was how little people have. I have been to impoverished areas, but this was quite shocking to me. . . I’m walking away from my trip with excitement for the future of the health center and the potential to give students an opportunity that will change how they view patients and healthcare for the rest of their lives."

Dr. Jessen’s vision includes creating an interprofessional healthcare student experience to immerse students in different cultures and healthcare settings.

Dr. Trent Wachner standing in by a healthcare facility in rural Togo, West Africa
Dr. Trent Wachner standing in by a partner healthcare facility in rural Togo, West Africa

Dr. Trent Wachner, (pictured to the left) Associate Professor of Marketing at Creighton University, shared his experience:

"Something I noticed about the people at the health center is that they wanted our help, they didn't seem desperate; they were very humble and would always say, thank you."

As a marketing professor, Dr. Wachner also observed:

"GPiH is a trusted name in Togo; it is all about the relationships that they have and that builds trust because there is a history of colonialism there." 

The GPiH team pictured with a large Togolese team of medical professionals in rural Togo, West Africa
The GPiH team pictured with a partnered Togolese medical team in rural Togo, West Africa

Zac Triemert, (pictured to the right in the black) President and Head Brewer at Brickway Brewery & Distillery and Lucky Bucket Brewing Co. expressed:

"An earth-shaking moment in my experience is the sustainability that Ian Vickers is trying to create. . . In Togo, he is building a community where the members feel like they have ownership in what they are doing."

Excited about what he saw in Togo, Zac remarked:

“I want to be helpful; I can’t help in the health center, but I can try to be as helpful as I can." 

With this motivation, he hosted a recent fundraising event at Lucky Bucket to "raise awareness about GPiH’s vision."

Zac Triemert & Ian Vickers presenting at Lucky Bucket Fundraising Event
Zac Triemert & Ian Vickers presenting at Lucky Bucket Fundraising Event

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