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  • Writer's pictureSamantha McCandless

Donor Spotlight: Bob & Gayle Scharf

“At GPiH you see first hand the benefits of the work and it can be a life-changing experience.” -Bob Scharf

It is right in the name of our non-profit; Global Partners in Hope. We don’t see only businesses and board members as our partners, we see each donor as one too. We have one mission, to bring HOPE to international communities through partnerships between people who can help and people who need hope. Without those people who can help, that partnership does not exist. That is why we are giving the spotlight this month to Bob and Gayle Scharf, two amazing donors who have been dedicated to Global Partners in Hope’s mission of bringing hope to those in need.

Bob and Gayle Scharf first found out about GPiH while attending Journey Church in Gretna, Nebraska. At the time, Ian Vickers, GPiH President/CEO, was just starting on the Mali project and began a discussion about what his plans were with Bob. Bob and Gayle were intrigued right away and discussed how the opportunity to help provide clean water to people who had none, spoke to their hearts, and just like that, they knew they had to get involved. Eventually, Bob was able to accompany Ian to Mali for the dedication of one of the wells and to see more of the work GPiH was doing. During that trip, he saw first-hand how Malian health centers were saving the lives of women and children and was truly moved by this experience. Bob and Gayle have always appreciated that every project GPiH has is focused on being self-sustaining so that after GPiH leaves the country the people continue to better their lives. This is crucial for underdeveloped countries like Mali. Bob saw that the health center was there when needed the most and will continue to not miss a beat after Western staff had left the county. 

Bob and Gayle said they have been extremely blessed throughout their lives and appreciate the opportunity to give back in a meaningful way. They love giving to a smaller organization like GPiH that gets things done. Over the years they have learned and seen that Ian and the GPiH team run a very efficient operation and by partnering with other organizations, GPiH has a greater impact than others many times its size. When asked if there was anything he would like to mention to others who might be thinking of donating to GPiH in the future; Bob replied, “There are many great charities that deserve support but few that are small enough for individual donors to make such a significant difference in. At GPiH you see firsthand the benefits of the work and it can be a life-changing experience.” 

We would like to thank Bob and Gayle Scharf for letting us tell their story and the impact that donating to GPiH has had on them. We truly appreciate every single one of our partners who help us continue to bring hope to those in need.

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